Everyone makes mistakes and there is no need to feel ashamed. However, when it happens, you have to act fast.

If you suspect that you have transferred money to a criminal or find that your online banking credentials or payment card details have been taken over by criminals, do the following.
Contact your bank immediately
In the best case, the bank can still stop the money transfers.
Report the offence to the police
You can also report crimes other than misuse of personal data or payment scams. Crimes against information technology and networks also include data breaches, malware distribution, denial-of-service attacks, and their attempts.
Visit the guide
This guide explains what to do if your personal data has fallen into the wrong hands. The guide advises victims of data breaches and data leaks and helps if you have become a victim of identity theft or lost your passport or electronic ID card, for example.
You can also report the scam to Traficom’s National Cyber Security Centre Finland
By reporting an incident, you will also help others. With the help of these reports, the NCSC-FI informs about current phenomena and information security problems. You will also receive advice on your situation.
Victim Support Finland also helps the victims of online scams
Through Victim Support Finland (RIKU) you can receive guidance and conversational therapy. You can also contact RIKU if your loved one has been the victim of a crime.