Think before you click

Be wary of the links you receive via SMS and email. For example, type your bank’s URL in the address bar of the browser yourself or use your own bookmarks.
Online, not everything may be as it seems.
Learn to recognise the most common scams and protect your data as well as possible. If you've been scammed, it pays to act quickly and correctly, even if it's embarrassing – mistakes happen to everyone.
Information security competence is an essential civic skill for all of us. Scammers will try to appeal to your emotions, such as a longing for intimacy or a feeling of urgency, to get you to give up sensitive information. Criminals are interested in passwords, payment card details, banking credentials and personal data – all ingredients for financial gain. On this page, we tell you how to avoid scams, what to do if you are scammed and how to improve the security of your own devices.